Monday 30 June 2008


This is really a preview of a time, not long from now when the winds blow hard and much rain, sun, cold and who knows what else come to visit us in the form of global warming. Still, i'm sure that our leaders, aware of the situation will come to their senses and rescue the planet. (What does a hollow laugh sound like????)

Monday 23 June 2008


I don't know what I'm doing. I haven't got time to do this and yet I wanted to, and I guess that's good enough!

Friday 13 June 2008


This is an idea I had ages ago that is unpublished as yet. Shame on them!

Wednesday 11 June 2008

Paxman... Pucman

Here is an example of a fiendishly difficult illustration. It's my own fault. The article was about computer games and tv talent and there was a bit about Jeremy Paxman. My brain went into overdrive and thought Paxman-pucman! Great idea! However.... Mr Paxman has a long thin face and Pucman is a bright yellow circle with a chunk missing for a mouth. Hence the sweat and tears poured into this illustration!

Friday 6 June 2008


Gone but not ....This is a pictue I did whilst whistling feed the birds, tuppence a go tuppence, tuppence. I have no idea why. I must have forgotten.....

Tuesday 3 June 2008


I love seeing the yoof of today with their pants down, it reminds me that we were all young once. Actually it reminds me of my flourescent pink and black tiger-striped skin-tight punk troosers. Ahh sweet memories. Blue and red hair. Mmmmm.... Hair. Mmm.... sweet memories...